Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Take the leap

I moved into my apartment at the start of September after an incredibly stressful summer. Before my last box was unpacked I was asked to fly to New Jersey to help my Godmother recover from rotator cuff surgery for 3 weeks. Overwhelmed was an understatement, especially since I was given one week's notice and during that week I would already be visiting my BFF in Florida. 

I didn't know if I was ready to postpone establishing a routine. I didn't know if I was prepared to help another after giving up so much to help my dad over the past 6 months. I didn't know if I would be ok once again living away from family and friends that I had been leaning on for support. In fact, I almost didn't go. 

But my Godmother has bent over backwards for me and I love this family as my own. Having a chance to help her for once was a no brainer. So I cancelled all events on my upcoming calendar, packed my bags and took a chance. 

"If you wait until you're ready, you may never be." 

Yes, I have my moments of anxiety still but getting away from some of the major stresses of this year will do me a world of good. A new environment with people that I love and love me will help me heal from life trying to kick my ass all year. A new environment to distract me from the annoying parts of life that seem to play on repeat in my head. 

And because it's true what they say: the best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone else up. What better way than lending a hand after a tough surgery? 

So for the next 3 weeks I'm using this time and space as therapy. It won't cure all but it will send me back prepared for a long, sometimes lonely Minnesota winter. 

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